We are accepting New Students
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Where children learn, create
and grow
Creative Arts Curriculum
Evolutions Preschool provides an enriched early learning environment that is a wonderful first stepping stone on your child’s educational journey.
Founded in 2013 and located in the historical downtown Camas area, our program is unique as we infuse an element of the creative arts into each and every class. From dance and creative movement, music, dramatic play, and process exploratory art; our program will have your child’s creativity flowing constantly. Of course, all the basic school readiness skills such as literacy, science, math, fine and gross motor development, and working together with peers are covered as well.
Evolutions believes that by allowing children to utilize their own energy and talents as they grow and learn about the world around them we can help instill self-confidence and nurture a lifelong love of learning.

Dance improves your childs self- esteem.

The arts help your child develop their senses through discovery.

Free expression is encouraged at Evolutions Preschool.

Dance improves your childs self- esteem.
Our Classes
The Owlets
2.5-3.5 yrs
This is a perfect beginning class with our expert teachers. Rather than just listening, memorizing, and repeating facts, this class has students discovering, analyzing, and learning from experience. Our goal as educators is to spur our students’ curiosity and allow them to learn at their own pace. Get in touch with us to learn more, or better yet come by one of our classes and experience it first-hand.
The Chikadees
3.5-5 yrs
This is the next stepping stone in your child's development. The AM2 class is for the students that are fully potty trained and ready to be part of the older class. Students will get to experience all of the fun learning aspects of their new classroom. They will follow their daily routine and learn to interact with all of their classmates in a responsible way. They will have many opportunities to learn and explore with surrounding world.
The Night Owls
3 to 5 yrs
Enroll in our hands-on, innovative class for older and intermediate students. Our qualified and experienced teachers serve as facilitators of the learning process, they guide students by helping make sense of learning materials, encouraging them to ask questions and explore solutions, and promoting the use of resources outside of the classroom.
The Pufflings
4.5-5 yrs
This class is for students who have missed the age cut off for enrolling in Kindergarten. We accept students that are 4 and turning 5 within the year, this program will fully prepare them for the Kindergarten environment. This program is 5-days a week & 4 hours per day so that students have the time necessary to learn all the elements to being a successful full-day student.
Tuition Rates & Fees
If you choose to pay the year in-full you will receive a 10% discount.
Our yearly rates are broken down into a monthly tuition fee.
We have an annual enrollment/ supply fee of $125 & $235(Kinder)
Days are Per Week
2-Days: $185/mo
3-Days: $255/mo
4-Days: $315/mo
5-Days: $365/mo
Days are Per Week
2-Days: $230/mo
3-Days: $300/mo
4-Days: $370/mo
5-Days: $425/mo
Days are Per Week
2-Days: $185mo
3-Days: $255mo
4-Days: $315/mo
Daily Drop-in Care and After School Care!
We now offer extended care and regular daily care open to the public. Our hours are, Monday-Friday 8:30-2:30 pm. We provide care for children ages 15 months to 8 years old.
We have a four hour time limit per child and one day advanced notice is required so that we are able to provide as many staff as are needed for the day. The hourly drop off rate is $11/ hour.